Evie's birthday party.

Evie's birthday party.
Evie is a girl with silken long curly hair. Evie has beautiful, shiny, blue eyes with long thick black eyelashes. For Evie’s birthday, which is tomorrow the 24th of October, she wants to go snowboarding with her friends Forest and Via, Forest and Via have short, silken, straight hair with blue shiny eyes. Evie also wanted to bring her 16 year old brother Noah. Noah has short straight hair and has shiny green eyes. Of course her parents were going to come too. For her present she wanted an iPad, a smiggle pencil case, some pencils and rubbers, a wheel barrow bag and a bracelet. It is night time, she waits until midnight, her parents and her brother are still awake. Finally it is midnight, she's in for a big surprise, her parents and her brother come into her room. Evie's mum puts some birthday songs on her phone. They also had the pencil case, bracelet and her bag that she wanted, she was so surprised. Evie's dad told her to go to bed. The next day after getting dressed, Forest and Via came over. Evie’s mum told them that they were going snowboarding, she was so excited. Evie's friends both gave her presents, Forest’s present was a dress and some chocolate and a birthday card. Via gave Evie a skirt and a nice top with some chocolates and a birthday card. Forest gave Evie and Via a friendship necklace that says friends forever and she had one herself. Evie and her friends and family got in the car and drove to the snow. when Evie and friends were snowboarding they did back and front flips and they did three 360 jumps. Finally it was time to go home. On the way home they stopped at KFC and had lunch. They got home and put everything away and gave Evie the iPad that she wanted. They set her iPad up and Evie and her friends watched a movie on Evie's iPad while her parents and her brother were setting up for her dinner party.


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