
Showing posts from 2016


Monday's Every Monday I am really excited to go to school, why ? because Miss Bell would read a book to us not just any old dumb book but a super  awesome and exciting book. After Miss bell read us the book we will do some awesome drama about the book. The title of the book was “The battle of pook island”.

Evie's birthday party.

Evie's birthday party. Evie is a girl with silken long curly hair. Evie has beautiful, shiny, blue eyes with long thick black eyelashes. For Evie’s birthday, which is tomorrow the 24th of October, she wants to go snowboarding with her friends Forest and Via, Forest and Via have short, silken, straight hair with blue shiny eyes. Evie also wanted to bring her 16 year old brother Noah. Noah has short straight hair and has shiny green eyes. Of course her parents were going to come too. For her present she wanted an iPad, a smiggle pencil case, some pencils and rubbers, a wheel barrow bag and a bracelet. It is night time, she waits until midnight, her parents and her brother are still awake. Finally it is midnight, she's in for a big surprise, her parents and her brother come into her room. Evie's mum puts some birthday songs on her phone. They also had the pencil case, bracelet and her bag that she wanted, she was so surprised. Evie's dad told her to go to bed. The next d

Emma´s gift

Emma’s gift Emma was a girl with desperately long black silky curly hair. Emma just turned 10 a few months ago. She had a 16 year old brother whose name was Noah. Noah was a lot taller than Emma Noah was sometimes cheeky and mean and sometimes really funny And kind. He was really skinny. Emma really really wanted an alarm clock so she could wake up extra early in the morning and prank his brother Noah. One day when Emma was walking home from school she saw a box in front of her house. inside the box there was a present, on top of the present there was a letter the letter said  “to Emma enjoy lots of love from grandpa and grandma” she open her present and it was an alarm clock, she was really excited to start pranking her brother. her parents told Her to called her grandparents and say thank you, Emma did exactly what her parents said to do.

Glee concert!

Glee concert! Today was the glee concert at H.E.S school. I was a part of glee because I was doing the Bollywood dance. In the morning it was like a normal day. But when the lunch bell rang the Bollywood and glee went down to the hall and had pizza and fruits kebab. Yummy, I love fruit kebab and pizza. My mum was there because she was going to get the Bollywood girls dress. When we finished eating we got dress and then my mum put our makeup on. Then the classes and parents and grandparents came, finally we started, the Bollywood dance was at the very end. I thought it was going to be a very long time to wait for our turn, but actually it seem like it's been just one minute, when it was like half an hour. Finally, it was our turn next, we heard our name, we got into our position and the music started we got on the stage and started dancing, then we got of and the boys got on after the boys it was the little girls and after the little girls was us again and the boys. It was a


Flowers I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground, out comes the big round yellow sun, down come the raindrops soft and fast, out comes my flowers, grow, grow, grow.

water world

Water world On Friday the second of December, the road patrol children all over Hamilton got to go to waterworld, I was one of them. It was a teacher’s only day at Hamilton east school, so parents had to drive us there and two teachers. At waterworld I like going down the hydroslide the most. When I was going down the hydroslide I kept on getting water on my face and I kept on turning around. We even got free ice block and free hotdogs. It was a awesome day.

My Blogging License


It was dark and it was time for me to go on stage. As I was dancing I felt the dry ice fading away. I was nervous because I thought the audience did not like it. But it was still fun going on stage to dance.


Have you ever seen a little 9 years old run around an enormous  name putikitiki well here she is. Tulasi has ran around putikitiki 11 times without stopping to take a breath. She was so exhausted, that was so amazing that she ran around putikitiki 11 times. After she ran around putikitiki 11 times, she was exercising that what she would always do at school. Her teacher taught her. Then she went on the slide but not sitting down and sliding down  but she stood up and jump down. She put her hand on the side of the slide and started climbing up. Her 16 years old brother was so surprised, he told Tulasi that one day you are going to be in the ninja warrior. How cool……. He told Tulasi that he could not run around putikitiki 11 times without stopping. The little girl was so proud of herself and almost forgot that on the 1st of September was her cross country running, and it was the 29th of August then she and her brother went home.

Cross country

Today was my school cross country. I was so excited and nervous.I really want to come in the top 3. Well, I had to wait until it was the year 5 girl’s turn. Because I am a year five girl. It was finally the year five girl turn,we did some stretching,  I went to the green flag. The teacher counted to three, on the third count, she clap the block  together then we started running. We ran around putikitiki,then up the hill pass middle, up an other hill run out of school, turn left, run turn left again then run down a little hill turn and  run down another hill,and do it all over again. I came ninth I was proud of myself for coming ninth.



rio olymics

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